Benefits of Installing Energy Efficient Windows

July 31st, 2019BlogNo Comments »

Are you looking to install new windows but are not sure which product to choose? When it comes to replacing windows, you get the luxury of choosing from a wide variety of window styles, sizes, and materials that can fit your budget. But do you know which feature is most important to consider when choosing the new windows?

At the time of shopping for new windows, it is important to consider the energy efficiency of products, regardless of the style and design you choose. It is obvious to get tempted by the low-cost windows but these are not the best choice. And if you consider the long-term benefits of energy-efficient windows, you won’t mind its initial cost. The high-quality energy-efficient windows may cost you a bit more but these can result in substantial benefits in the long run. The latest energy-efficient windows not only increases the value of your home but also save money on heating and cooling costs while making your home more comfortable.

Energy-Efficient Window

Windows and doors are responsible for maintaining a comfortable home environment. A faulty and inefficient window is responsible for seeping air and making your heating and cooling system work harder. This result in increasing the energy bills and making your home feel uncomfortable. This problem can be solved with the help of energy-efficient windows that minimizes the heat gain or loss.

Benefits of Energy Efficient Window

Energy Star rated windows are environmentally friendly and save you money during the heating and cooling seasons. These windows provide a sufficient level of insulation to improve the comfort of your home. So if you’re planning to buy replacement windows, here are some benefits of replacing your old windows with energy-efficient windows.

  • Cost Savings

If you buy non-energy efficient windows, you will experience a major heat loss in winter and unwanted heat gain in summer. The excessive heat gain and loss result in high energy consumption which translates into high utility bills. Installing energy-efficient windows can make a huge difference for your home and your pocket by preventing air leakage. In winters, poorly insulated windows cause heat loss and increase condensation. But when you invest in windows with a low U-factor, you will have warmer window surfaces, reduced air leakage, and minimal condensation. It is seen that windows with a low-E coating and a low U-factor can save up to 25% on the heating costs. Likewise, during summer, Energy Star rated windows can reduce the heat gain and can help you save 30-45 percent on cooling costs. In addition to saving energy cost, some municipalities also offer a significant tax credit for upgrading to energy-efficient windows.

  • Improves Comfort

Energy-efficient windows are a preferred option because these can greatly improve the thermal comfort level of your home during the summer and winter seasons. During summer, energy-efficient windows with the low-E coating will prevent direct sunlight without obstructing the outside view and natural light. For winters, the windows are designed with a low U-factor and weatherstripping to reduce air leakage. Moreover, the energy-efficient windows also have the soundproofing feature. These windows are tightly sealed which keeps outside noise such as roadway traffic and sirens at bay. By reducing the annoying outside noises, energy-efficient windows make your home even more comfortable and peaceful.

  • Better Lighting and Outside View

If you want to get an unobstructed outside view without compromising the flow of natural light, energy-efficient windows are for you. These windows don’t need traditional solutions like tinted glazing or shades on the windows to reduce solar radiation. With technological advancement, Energy Star rated windows prevent unwanted heat without compromising the amount of daylight or the view from your windows. By installing windows that have spectrally selective glazing such as low-E coating, or high-performance tints, you can create a much more inviting home interior and a more comfortable indoor environment.

  • Low Maintenance

The older windows with poor insulation are prone to condensation and frost. When windows collect frost, it results in mold growth and contributes to rotting wooden window frames. This problem can be avoided by purchasing energy-efficient windows that can minimize condensation buildup and lower the risk of mold growth. Also, the UV-resistant coating minimizes the water spots and dirt buildup which means your windows don’t need regular cleaning and maintenance. The warmer glass surfaces and special insulating frames of these windows reduce the chances of condensation which in turn increases the lifespan of your windows.

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